Do you know it is always good to be aware of everything around you. And it makes us really proud to know that readers like you are so interested in knowing about the hazards in the environment. Like asbestos for example! We all know that the dangers of it lurking in the air is very high. Especially if the buildings are older, there are more chances of you and others being prone to severe diseases like cancer because of exposure to asbestos. And just for you curious souls, we have provided a special post that makes you more aware of the perils of asbestos.
Before you read more about this hazardous substance — remember a very vital point – asbestos shouldn’t be dealt by amateurs at all. Always call experienced and reputed companies for asbestos removal in Melbourne, Asbestos Australia handles this dangerous process with utmost efficiency. These professionals have the right knowledge, technique, equipment, and experience to deal with this material and that’s why they do a complete removal job perfectly. Now to know more about asbestos, read on.
When was asbestos used? — Asbestos was used widely earlier in several parts of construction projects. These were vital components of the home insulation projects, in commercial projects, the ceilings, the windows, you name it! But during the 1980s these were recognised as dangerous and the usage was reduced.
Why was asbestos used so widely? — Asbestos was used widely because it has all the ideal properties you could ask for in a construction material. It is strong, incombustible, heat resistant, sound absorbent, versatile, and even acid resistant.
Is asbestos banned across the world? — Asbestos is majorly banned in the UK and several other Western nations like Australia, France, Italy, Germany, etc. But you’ll still find it legal and commonly used in many Asian countries like India, China, and even other countries like Russia.
What are the two types of asbestos? — Asbestos can be categorised into friable asbestos and non–friable kind. Friable is the one that can be easily powdered by your hand without much effort. But non-friable are the ones that can’t be broken or powdered easily.
How dangerous is asbestos? — Asbestos can easily get mixed with the air and you can breathe it in a fraction of a second. It causes a serious disease called mesothelioma and even asbestosis. And in extreme cases, it even causes lung damage and cancer.
Why can’t asbestos be burnt to dispose? — Asbestos is non–combustible and not flammable. And that is why you can’t burn it. And in case it’s burnt, it emanates harmful smoke which again causes a lot of harm to the ones who inhale it. It can be only carefully disposed of by an authorised agency.
Is asbestos fibre visible to the naked eye? — No, asbestos fibres are not visible to the naked eye as they are very fine. (Even tinier than a hair.)
This information is something that you’ll hardly find anywhere else. And now since you are fully aware of this dangerous material and its hazardous effects, we are sure you’ll try to be as safe from it as you can.
Posted By: Tommy Clappers
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