Ask an Asbestos Expert: What are the Different Types of Asbestos Inspections?

Did you know that there are different kinds of asbestos inspections? An asbestos inspection may be required to identify asbestos presence, to plan for asbestos removal, and those required after asbestos removal work has been completed.

In this “Ask an Asbestos Expert” we are going to give you an overview of these different types of asbestos inspections.

Given the hazardous nature of asbestos, it’s crucial to understand the different types of inspections required to identify and manage asbestos-containing materials effectively.

Types of Asbestos Inspections

As we touched on above, not all asbestos inspections are the same – asbestos inspections can be categorised into being either pre or post asbestos work – here are some of the most common asbestos inspection types.

Pre-Work Asbestos Inspections

Initial Inspection

The initial asbestos inspection is essential to identify the presence of asbestos-containing materials before any renovation or demolition work begins. This inspection is carried out by highly trained asbestos inspectors who take samples of suspected materials and send them to a NATA accredited laboratory for asbestos testing. The findings are compiled into a detailed asbestos inspection report.

Comprehensive Survey

A comprehensive survey involves a thorough assessment of all areas where asbestos might be present. This type of inspection is crucial for older buildings, especially those built prior to the 1980s. The survey includes inspecting various building materials, collecting samples, and identifying types of asbestos. The results help in formulating an asbestos management plan to safely manage the identified asbestos risks.

Management Survey

A management survey is designed to manage asbestos-containing materials in buildings that are not undergoing renovation. This type of inspection is typically carried out in domestic premises and workplaces. Regular inspections ensure that any minor damage to asbestos materials is identified and addressed promptly. The results are recorded in an asbestos register to maintain ongoing safety.

Post-Work Asbestos Inspections


After asbestos removal work has been completed, a re-inspection is conducted to ensure that all asbestos has been properly removed or encapsulated. Asbestos inspectors perform a visual inspection and may take air samples to check for any residual asbestos fibres. This step is crucial to confirm that the property is safe for re-occupation.

Clearance Inspection

A clearance inspection certifies that an area is safe for re-occupation after asbestos removal. This involves a detailed inspection and air testing to ensure the area is free from asbestos contamination. Clearance certificates are issued based on the results, indicating that the property meets all safety standards and compliance codes.

Air Monitoring

Air quality monitoring during and after asbestos removal is essential to ensure that airborne asbestos particles are not present. Air monitoring stations are set up around the worksite to continuously measure air quality. The data collected is used to assess the effectiveness of the removal process and ensure compliance with occupational health standards.

Can I just do the inspection myself?

Hiring licensed asbestos removalists and professional asbestos inspectors is crucial for accurate and reliable asbestos inspections. These experts are trained to identify asbestos risks and ensure that all inspections are conducted in accordance with regulatory standards. Their expertise helps protect human health and ensure compliance with safety regulations.

In many cases, spotting asbestos can be very difficult, as asbestos materials can often be quite non-descript, so, unless you’ve had experience in doing so, it’s easy to overlook potential asbestos materials.

How Asbestos Australia Can Help

Regular asbestos inspections are essential for identifying and managing asbestos-containing materials in your home or workplace. Whether you are planning renovations or need to comply with safety standards, professional asbestos inspections provide the practical guidance and peace of mind you need.

For professional asbestos inspection services in Melbourne, contact our team here at Asbestos Australia. We can perform all types of asbestos inspections in Melbourne and throughout Victoria – Just call us on 03 9704 2952 to discuss your asbestos situation with us today.

Asbestos Australia Removalist

Asbestos Australia Removalist

Posted By: Asbestos Australia Removalist

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